
★ pseudocuasiinsectoide 🪳

ew I’m not one of those pit-shaving man-loving straight-girl feminists 🌸•

★ Simpatizante del radfem ★ Críticx de la industria de la belleza ★ Anti porno ★ Fuck gender roles ★ En contra de todo lo que degrade y dehumanice a la mujer ★ El bien colectivo de las mujeres por sobre mi comfort personal ★ Activista ★ Pro separatismo ★ Pro veganismo ★ Críticx del capitalismo ★ Anti estereotipos de género ★ Anti misoginia ★ Anti homofobia ★ Anti transfobia

Intereses & hobbies

Arte, electrónica, mecánica, robótica, computación, música, canto, cosas raras de internet, arquitectura, leer, aprender cosas en general, biología, feminismo y género, cositas weebs, etc (´。• ω •。`)

Feminismo radical =/= transfobia. El feminismo radical es una rama del feminismo que centra a las personas nacidas mujeres (incluyendo personas no binarias, hombres trans, etc)."Look. If posing naked were empowering, then the rich men who run the world would be lining up for it. We would be awash in naked dick shots of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama; magazines would be filled with male politicians and financiers and moguls with their bits hanging out. Softly lit, perhaps; head coyly tilted; bunny tail on the ass. Power" -The Reclusive Leftist

Binbows '97

☆ Howdy, soy Fran!
26 años ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
No binarie | Lesbiana 🦑
Ella | Él | Elle
INTP-T ☝️🤓

Más info sobre mí uwu

Creo en el género como socialmente construído, aparte del sexo (realidad material). Me gusta jugar con la idea del no-binarismo porque me gustan las cosas extravagantes lol. Pero no niego que nací mujer, y mi sexo es y siempre va a ser femenino (por eso digo que soy "lesbiana" y no "lesbianx" lol). Tengo mi propia idea de lo que es la identidad de género, sin que adhiera a ninguna ideología en particular. Me gusta usar cualquier pronombre, porque lo que define quién soy no son las palabras. Por otro lado, considero importante usar los pronombres correspondientes cuando se discute sobre problemáticas que solo afectan al sexo femenino.
Siempre me gustó la androginia, y mis ideas entorno a la concepción de género cambian y evolucionan costantemente.



*Hasta que la discriminación basada en el sexo desaparezca, considero necesario mantener la noción de sexo biológico intacta y diferenciarla del género."Traffickers know what females are. Rapists know what sex differences are. People who force little girls into marriages understand sex. Female infanticide rates make it pretty clear. But if a woman dares to state that sex is real, people lose their minds and scream 'bigot'" -@Therestofus5

Without the real roots, it's an abstracting 🍄

☆ "You know we live in a misogynistic society when ppl are more offended by one (1) S.C.U.M. Manifesto than by the 443577422 male "thinkers" that said the same things about women." -@murderkatze

"I think a lot of non-binary people feel like if they were to drop that label and accept their womanhood, they would have to start doing something different. I understand this, because if your only experience with womanhood was being forced to be feminine and heterosexual and uncomfortable, and then when you started identifying as non-binary you finally felt like you had permission to do what you want, why WOULD you want to give that up? I think that in the long run it's more damaging and confusing and limiting to try to fit yourself into arbitrary gender boxes, but I have to admit that at first it does feel so freeing. But you can be a woman and be whoever you want to be. There's no rules to who you can be and be a woman. "Woman" doesn't say anything about you other than your sex. Keep dressing the same way. Keep your haircut. Do everything the same that you've been doing that gives you "gender euphoria". You can do whatever you want and be a woman. That's literally the whole point we're trying to make." -@desistancejourney